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Rakshak UAV (1.0)

Rakshak is a 3in1 Drone which can carry 3 payloads in a single payload system. The aim is to help the disaster management team to handle the situation in a advanced way.

FxUAV team has designed a 3-in-1 feature for its Rakshak UAV 1.0, whose fast paced response system will save countless lives. We provide a timed release system with Life jackets and life buoys, which can be deployed without delay in emergency situations. 


We are also providing this drone with a fire ball drop system, for the first time in India. It can detect fire and drop the fire ball, which lands on the center of fire , assisted by parachute landing, and can immediately extinguish the fire.

FxUAV team is currently working on many new features to better save lives everyday.


Life Jacket

Life Jacket Time Release 


The life jacket will time release until it reaches the drowning person. The pilot can then either release the jacket or can pull the person to the shore.


Fire Ball

Fire Ball Drop System

The UAV will go above the fire and will drop the fire ball. The fire ball will do a parachute landing on fire and then blast to extinguish the fire. 

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Life buoy

Life buoy Time Release 


The life buoy will time release until it reaches the drowning person. The pilot can then either release the jacket or can pull the person to the shore.

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